The Mission

 My mission is to guide others toward self-healing and self-love through real-life demonstration via social media, vlogging and blogging, podcasts and eventually one-on-one coaching. It means being transparent about my own struggles and mistakes while sharing my progress, victories and milestones.

 My Why

I didn’t start out with a target audience. But, as a 50-plus divorced mother who has started over SEVERAL TIMES — whose body, emotions and spirit have been experiencing some interesting shifts — it became important to share the challenges I’ve had accepting the new me and all its nuances.

So, I intentionally and inadvertently connect with women of a certain age, but I also have an abundant audience of women and men of varying demographics to whom I have the honor of demonstrating life.

My main audience — my children — are my best friends and it’s through them I am most encouraged to keep going. They are powerhouses like none I’ve ever known, and they have been willing to be the face of controversy and misunderstanding in order to remain their true selves; and that’s some badass shit for which we don’t often give Gen Z and Millenial beings credit.

My current platform is a fusion of fashion my way, tips on healthy aging and allowing every version of myself to present at its whim. It involves sharing my testimonies and day-to-day life experiences; sometimes with a message, other times just being myself and allowing others to be in the moment with me during an experience. This can be anything from trying a new product to the aftermath of a loss, the joy or frustration of a conversation, or any given encounter with another person. 

I also share through my memoirs and poetry. 

Another of my great passions, in which I’ve been indulging intentionally an increasingly since my 2015move to Norther Virginia, is supporting and spotlighting black-owned business. I am inspired by people like Sandra Wilson of @blackconnections and several others who labor tirelessly for our people, fanning the flames for increased awareness and promotion of black-owned everything; carving out our larger and rightful place in the world we helped build.

Execution and Longevity 

I make it a point to my own business. There will be times when things surface about other influencers and celebrities that will start a snowball of incendiary commentary and cancel-culture, and I refuse to be a part of any of it. Part of my love and healing process is to look past the surface of an issue into the deep places you can’t go if you immediately cancel a person. For me, it’s important to hear in the Spirit and not follow the lead of everyone’s viewpoint. Do I believe in consequences? Would I privately disconnect from someone, their products, and/or their message because of something they’ve done? Possibly. But will I encourage others to do so based off my interpretation of their fuckup? Nope. 

I don’t believe in the condemnation of humans. I believe in the interpretation of behavior and the right to choose one’s response to it without being judged for that choice. I believe that love is the answer to all that ails us and how we show it is unique to the situation and will come to us by Spirit. I can do that from a distance, and also while keeping my opinions to myself.

I also believe that we attract what we put out. So, when people bring harm to others, they have opened themselves to harm. I stay in my lane and let people’s actions take care of them. I only have room for my own shit.